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Premio Scientifico “I GUIDONIANI”
VIII edizione

L’Associazione Italiana di Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale bandisce l`8^ edizione del premio scientifico intitolato a “I Guidoniani”.

Anche quest’anno ci saranno in palio 2.000 Euro destinati al miglior lavoro originale nel campo della medicina, della psicologia e dell’ingegneria in forma di articolo scientifico che abbia come oggetto l’uomo ed il volo atmosferico o spaziale (visualizza le note per gli autori).

Il premio è destinato ai laureati in medicina, biologia, psicologia, ingegneria che non abbiano superato il 35° anno di età.

Le domande, scaricabili dal link sottostante, devono essere presentate entro e non oltre il 31 maggio 2018.

pubblicato il 04/04/2018       Vai alla pagina

Premio Scientifico “I GUIDONIANI”
VII edizione

L’Associazione Italiana di Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale e l'Associazione Nazionale degli Assistenti e Controllori della Navigazione Aerea bandiscono la 7^ edizione del premio scientifico intitolato a “I Guidoniani”. Anche quest'anno sono in palio 2 premi, uno per miglior lavoro originale nel campo della medicina, della psicologia e dell’ingegneria in forma di articolo scientifico che abbia come oggetto l’uomo ed il volo atmosferico o spaziale, l'altro, intitolato a Massimo Petrella, che abbia come oggetto l’uomo ed il controllo del traffico aereo.
Con l'occasione del convegno congiunto AIMAS-ICASM, quest'anno il premio è aperto anche ai partecipanti stranieri.
La locandina con le informazioni è scaricabile al link sottostante

The Italian Association of Aerospace Medicine and the National Association of Assistants and Controllers of Air Navigation announce the VII edition of the scientific prize “I Guidoniani”. This year the prize will be 2,000 Euro for the best original paper in the field of medicine, psychology and engineering, about men and atmospheric/spatial flight and 2,000 Euro for the best original paper in the field of medicine, psychology and engineering about men and air traffic control.
Information can be found by clicking to the following link.

pubblicato il 16/09/2016       Vai alla pagina

Call for Papers
Ramstein Aerospace Medicine Summit and NATO STO Tech Course
20-24 March 2017

Hopefully you noted down in your agenda the Ramstein Aerospace Medicine Summit and NATO STO Technical Course at Ramstein for the period of 20-24 March 2017

The theme for the STO Technical Course 2017 is "Aerospace Medicine - One for All, and All for One ! " , and we are now looking for speakers for this topic. I have attached the Technical Activity Proposal with more details. The aims of a STO Technical Course is an educational technical team activity aimed at transferring practical knowledge and recent field developments among NATO partners.

Further information at the link below.

pubblicato il 21/09/2016       Vai alla pagina

Internship in Bibliographical Research at EAC

The Astronaut Training Division at the European Astronaut Centre is looking for a highly motivated master’s student with a background in aerospace or extreme environments medicine (interface between human beings and the environment) and experience in bibliography research for a six-month internship.
The closing date for applications is 15 November 2016.
For further details please follow the link below.

pubblicato il 04/10/2015       Vai alla pagina


Brussels, Belgium
17-18 October 2016


NATO Science & Technology / Human Factors & Medicine Panel Symposium

The Human Factors & Medicine Panel has organized a Symposium on “Regenerative Medicine and advanced Rehabilitation - Today and in Future”. This symposium will be held at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium, 17-18 October 2016.

As seen in recent NATO military missions, the number of soldiers who survive severe and – in most cases – multiple injuries has significantly increased compared to previous operations and this predominantly as a result of progress in medical field care, first surgical treatment and advanced medical care along the rescue chain including (air)medevac and repatriation. As a consequence, quite a number of debilitating injuries is seen in wounded soldiers who expect recovery and rehabilitation outcomes that reach far beyond those achieved by traditional rehabilitation concepts. The best possible treatment has to be provided to the wounded warriors not only for ethical reasons but also to foster morals of those being deployed.

The symposium will bring together international experts in the developing field of regenerative medicine, to provide a forum for them to present their most recent results and to envision possible ways to future treatment, rehabilitation and related technologies.
This activity is expected to create an overview of most relevant initiatives and efforts in the field of regenerative medicine, to highlight the most important needs (and opportunities) of scientific and clinical projects in this field and to expand the international network of experts aiming at new therapies to enhance the recovery of soldiers wounded in action.

Topics to be covered may include but are not limited to bone, nerve and soft tissue defect management, allograft alternatives to stem cell regeneration, nutrition, industrial, regulatory and socio-political-economic issues, diagnostic methods, biomarkers and monitoring techniques

See also the Programme attached.

Enrolment is open online at:

See also our NATO STO Website:

pubblicato il 21/09/2016

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