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The aim of “Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine” is to spread the results of basic medical research and its clinical application in the aerospace field. The journal will publish studies which involve clinical aerospace medicine, operational issues, aerospace physiology and aircrew systems. Attention will be focused on physical and mental health of astronauts, aircrew, passenger. Nevertheless aerospace medicine embraces experimental physiology, bio-dynamics, psychology, neurosciences, then every study devoted to explain life and behaviour of human beings in such a special environment are most welcome.


are full-length paper reporting original scientific investigation, both basic science and clinical reports. Manuscripts have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.

are topical overviews on emerging areas of research. They summarize key problems, concepts, experimental approaches, and research opportunities that characterize a subject area. Reviews should not include previously unpublished research results. The Editors generally invite them; authors who wish to submit a review should first consult with the Editors.

report information of importance to aerospace medicine not suitable for presentation as a full-length manuscript. Rapid Communications should be limited to three double-spaced typewritten pages. An abstract and references are not required.

describes encounters with one or several patients with unique or unusual clinical/experimental situations. Case Report should be limited to four double-spaced typewritten pages and no more than eight references. An abbreviated abstract limited to less than 100 words that captures the essential value of the Case Report should be included.

Letters to the Editor
should be directed to the Editor regarding manuscripts previously published in which significant scientific controversy exists. Letters to the Editor deemed appropriate for publication will be submitted to the author(s) of the manuscript of interest comment. Letters to the Editor should be limited to three double-spaced type written pages including references.

submissions report innovative solutions to linical/physiological/operational problems. Originality and quality of illustrations (when appropriate) are essential ingredients. “How I Do It” manuscripts should have a clear practical value and be no more than four double-spaced typewritten pages. No abstract is required.


To keep the review time as short as possible, the authors are requested to submit manuscripts (both text and art) in electronic form to the executive editor of “Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine”, Dr. Paola Verde, using the following e-mail address:
Manuscripts submitted via any other method will be returned. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter outlining the significance of the paper. Authors are requested to read carefully the instructions and to follow them for the preparation of their manuscript. Articles submitted on line are received on the day of submission and quickly assigned to reviewers. Notification of the disposition of each manuscript will be sent by email to the corresponding author on the day of decision.


To keep the review time as short as possible, the authors are requested to submit manuscripts (both text and art) in electronic form to the executive editor of “Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine”, Dr. Paola Verde, using the following e-mail address:
Manuscripts submitted via any other method will be returned. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter outlining the significance of the paper. Authors are requested to read carefully the instructions and to follow them for the preparation of their manuscript. Articles submitted on line are received on the day of submission and quickly assigned to reviewers. Notification of the disposition of each manuscript will be sent by email to the corresponding author on the day of decision.


Title page must be submitted as a separate file on the first page of the online system.
Title page must be submitted as part of your manuscript. This should contain: article title (not to exceed 75 characters, including spaces); names of authors, their degrees and affiliations (dept., institution, city, state, country); institution where the work was done (indicate which author is in which department); a short running title of no more than 45 letters and spaces; source of financial support or funding; and a footnote indicating the author to whom correspondence, reprint requests, and proofs will be sent, with complete address (including e-mail address and postal codes) and telephone and telefax numbers. If the paper was presented at a meeting, give society name, city, state, country, and exact date meeting was held.


The Title page must include the following information:


Limit the abstract to 250 words. Do not cite references in the abstract. Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms. Use the following subheads: Objectives/Hypothesis, Study Design (randomized, prospective, etc.), Methods, Results, and Conclusions.


The text is to be divided into five sections with the following headings: , Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
Define abbreviations at first mention in text and in each table and figure. If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer’s name and address (city and state/country). The introduction should be limited to two paragraphs of pertinent information. The discussion should not be an exhaustive review of the literature; it should be succinct and limited to conclusions that can be reached based on the results.


Use generic names for drugs. List supplier of manufacturer for products and instruments; include supplier’s city and state (e.g., Glaxo Wellcome, Research Triangle Park, NC). For commonly accepted abbreviations, consult Logan’s Medical and Scientific Abbreviations. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use unless it is a standard unit of measurement. Use the metric system to express the units of measure and degree Celsius to express temperatures.


Concise acknowledgements may be addressed to persons, public and private organizations, companies.


Reference should be made only to articles that are published or in press. The list of references should only include papers that are cited in the text. They must be progressively numbered (in square brachets) in the order in which they appear in the text and listed at the end of the paper in numerical order. Each reference should cite article title and the authors. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those used in Index Medicus.
References with correct punctuation should be styled as follows:
Reference to a journal publication:
Boyle WJ, Simonet WS, Lacey DL. Osteoclast differentiation and activation. Nature, 2003; 423: 337-342.
Reference to a book:
Michaeli W. Extrusion Dies. Hanser Publishers, Munich, Vienna, New York, 1984.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Gmünder FK, Cogoli A. Effect of space flight on lymphocyte function and immunity. In: Fregly MJ, Blatteis CM, eds. Handbook of Physiology. Oxford:University Press, 1996, vol. 2, 799-813.


All tables should be cited in the text and consecutively numbered with roman numbers.
Each table should have a title and a legend (double spaced) explaining the table content and any abbreviation used. Each table should be prepared in a separate page.


All figures should be cited in the text and consecutively numbered with arabic numbers. Figures should be exclusively in TIFF or JPG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Figure legends must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations and double spaced. The legends should be prepared in a separate file in rtf format.


The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript is their original work, submitted exclusively to the journal and will not be published elsewhere without the consent of the copyright holders.
Upon an article being accepted for publication, the right of publication, as well as rights of translation, of granting reproduction licences, of storage in electronic retrieval systems, of producing special impressions, photocopies, and microcopies are transferred to the publishers.
After manuscript acceptance the corresponding author is responsible for: 1) obtaining from co-authors permission to transfer copyright; 2) obtaining written permission to republish or reproduce all previously published material.
In any case, the journal will be not responsible for the lost of manuscript.


The practice of peer review is to ensure the good quality of the published papers. It is an objective process carried out on all reputable scientific journals. When a manuscript is submitted to “Italian Journal of Aerospace Medicine” it is assigned by the Executive Editor to a member of the Editorial Board, based on expertise. If the manuscript is consistent with the aims of the journal, the Editor sends it to colleagues for review, then decides to accept or reject the manuscript on the basis of the referee comments.
This step requires the submission of the manuscript to the IJASM web site. To do this, the autor must register on the website. The registered autor, once logged in, will submit the article by clicking the "[New Submission]" link and following the given directions.


Page proofs and corrections: corresponding authors will receive electronic page proofs to check the copyedited and typeset article before publication. Portable document format (PDF) files of the typeset pages and support documents (e.g., reprint order form) will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. Complete instructions will be provided with the e-mail for downloading and printing the files and for returning the corrected pages to the Publisher. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that there are no errors in the proofs. Changes that have been made to conform to journal style will stand if they do not alter the authors’ meaning. Only the most critical changes to the accuracy of the content will be made. Changes that are stylistic or are a reworking of previously accepted material will be disallowed. The Publisher reserves the right to deny any changes that do not affect the accuracy of the content. Authors may be charged for alterations to the proofs beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries. Proofs must be checked carefully and corrections returned within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, as requested in the communication accompanying the page proofs.